Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The First Rule of Fight Club is.....

So I'm getting ready to leave work.
I check my email one last time to see if anything new has popped in.
Lo and Behold, I see 2 emails, both from No-reply.
The subject of one is Welcome to the EA Mythic forums.
I quickly search recent memory thinking, did I sign up for some Warhammer forum or something?
Then I notice the 2nd subject line... "Warhammer Online Beta Greenskin vs. Dwarf Patch Now Available"
That's when I realize, "I did it" I lucked out. Of the random hundreds of thousands of applicants, I get to be a beta tester. woot.
Downloading the thing as we speak. Should be finished soon.
Then I get to try it out tonight.
They have a pretty comprehensive NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
There are 2 rules to the Warhammer Beta as far as permissible disclosures go.
We as BETA testers can only acknowledge:
1) The fact that there is a Warhammer Online Beta Test currently underway.
2) The fact that you are a member of the Warhammer Online Beta Test.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Looks like, even though we purchased bicycles, the new form of exercise in the Woodroof-Feltner house is attending the zoo.
So far, 2 weekends have seen us at the zoo, checking out the animals and enjoying the outdoors. The Waco zoo has grown a good bit in recent years, and by summer of 2009 will have an orangutan and komodo dragon exhibit.
The meerkats are great. The brazos river country exhibit is sizable, and contains some very interesting animals, from the 2 black bears to a aviary, to the 2 alligators that have so far, appeared to nap both times we've visited.
The fruit bats in the nocturnal barn are fairly active, but the raccoons just nap.
Anyways, back to work...